Gong Cheng's Blog

Boeing, a great company….
January 31, 2006, 12:58 am
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Yesterday, we went to boeing company to take a tour about how the biggest planes are made on the world.
Aero industry is amazing because everything starts from men’s imagination. The dream of flying freely on the sky created this huge business.

The boeing everet plant is the largest building in the world by volume with 13.3 million m^3. Boeing purchase airplane parts from different supplier, ship them to everett plant, assemble them, and sell them. For example, Boeing 737,747,777, 787 and 7e7 are all made here.

The tour took us about 1 hour. It started with a short film in the auditorium of the future of flight center. After the film, we get on a bus to the assembly plant. The bus stopped at the door of the service tunnel, which only have half of the lights on to save energy. We took elevator to the top of the boeing assembly plant. There, we can see planes at different stage of assembling. The last step is to add the engine which are acutally purchased from GE or Rolls-Royce. This is just another example of how specialized that American business is, even Boeing doesn’t create their own engine…

After the tour, we went to see the gallery in the future of flight tour center. Engine, the pilots’ cabinet are show separatedly in the gallery. The mechanism of the engine looks like quite simple, comparing with the biology, a engine just do not have too much parts there. Engines have 4 categories, the first category is the propellar which you often see in the old movies, the second category is the jet turbine engine, which are the most widely used engine in current air plane including 747,etc. The third category is ramjet engine which does not have moving part. This gives this kind of engine an avantage of efficiency. Ramjet are often used in supersonic airplanes. But ramjet engine cannot start it self, so they are often used in combination with small rocket engines. The fourth category of engine is rocket engine which you see on the rocket. This kind of engine do not use air as fuel. It carries all the fuel they need because they need to operate in the outer space with little air.

Sauna, I love it!
January 26, 2006, 8:14 am
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Today I went to IMA sauna room after half hour swimming. The UW IMA has
an interesting protocol we need to follow it. Have you see a protocol
like this in any Chinese bath room?
1. soap bath
2. 10 minute sauna
3. cold water bath and relax
4. 10 minute sauna
5. cold water bath and relax
6. cool down and dress up
I feel very relaxed after the suana process. If you are at UW, I strongly recommend it.

A sunny day
January 25, 2006, 2:36 am
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Today is a sunny day, I went to the south lake union park to ponder problems in my research. The ducks in the lake union seems do not care about the food I bring to them, maybe they just finished their lunch too. These ducks are quite different than their friends in the lake washington…Ducks in the lake washington will chase you if you feed them.  You know what that is the greatness about language. Because the ducks in the lake washington cannot communicate with the ducks in lake union about how good human foods are, the ducks in the lake union have to fish by themselves. Language is necessary for developing a culture however primity it is.


 Talking about duck, there are some half cooked ducks avaiable in Costco and Uwajimaya recently. Each duck is cut into 2 peices and packed in two separated plastic wraps. The re-heating process is very simple, just bake them in 375 degree oven for 20 minutes. The ducks are very delicious.

Wicker Park – love at the first sight
January 22, 2006, 9:08 pm
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Do you believe in love at the first sight? If you believe or ever believe, this movie is for you, otherwise, it is completely waste of time.

The story starts with a small puzzle. The male leader of the movie is Mattew. He is a digital media artist. He has girl friend, engaged, ready for marry. But, actually the girl he loves deeply inside his heart is Lisa. They met 2 years ago at Chicago while he was working there. When he was offered a job at NY, he was planning to move to NY with Lisa and get married. But Lisa mysteriously disappeared at that time. He tried to call her, no response, he had to move to NY by himself. The relationship just ended this way.

This time, Mattew comes back to Chicago again to meet some clients. When he was in a restaurant for dinner, he feel the girl in the phone cabinet was Lisa. but he doesn’t act fast enough to catch her. He decided to figure this out. After a lot of troubling, eventually he found Lisa’s apartment. Waiting in her room overnight, a girl comes in, but she is not the Lisa he was looking for. The new girl also call herself Lisa, although later we will learn her actual name is Alex.

The truth is Alex fell in love with Mattew at the first sight 2 years ago prior Mattew/Lisa relationship, she felt pretty low to see that her dream lover was in love with her best friend Lisa. She spontaneously prevent them to be together whenever there is a chance although she doesn’t expect Mattew could love her. The day Mattew made an appointment with Lisa, Lisa also got a chance to go eurpoe. Lisa asked Alex to deliver a message to Mattew to tell him that she is positive about moving to NYC together. Alex just erase all the traces of information. Both Lisa and Mattew feel the other one may not be interested in him/herself anymore(They do not seem to have too much self confidence either). They lost contact with each other.

Eventually, Mattew and Lisa figured this out after 2 years extrarelationship romance and a lot of efforts. They are happily ever after… This is a story of love at the first sight, both Mattew/Lisa, Mattew/Alex ‘s relationship fall into this category, it is a perfect movie for speed dating practioners.

The work out options in the sunny day!
January 21, 2006, 9:17 pm
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If the weather is good there are many outdoor options.
Burke Gilman trail provides a outdoor exercise road without worrying about traffic. Burke Gilman trail south end starts at the Fremont region, across the U district, eventually extend to Bothel, Kenmore, Lakeforest city, and Kirkland. Different parts of the trail have different scene, the fremont part has the Lake Union View, U district part has the UW campus view, Windemere, Sand Point Part has the northwest local plant view, the north Seattle part has the lake washington view. The trail transpass many local parks, including Gas Work Station Park, Mattew Beach Park, etc. If the weather is nice, there are many people running, biking, roller-skating on the Burke-Gilman Trail.
Green Lake is another popular place for people who like waterfront experience. Green Lake is located in the center of North Seattle.
The parks on the beach provide beach exercising opportunities, for example Golden Beach Park, St Edward Park, etc.
Besides the park, we can also run around in the downtown Seattle,Wa. Seattle has oceanic view in the downtown area, it is an uniq experience to run in between the shopping centers, cinemas, restaurants.
Common exercises including jogging, biking, roller-blating, swimming.

Zheng Yuanjie, the most successful Chinese writer of our generation
January 20, 2006, 3:42 am
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Although Gao Xingjian is the first nobel price winner using Chinese
language, his work is barely popular in China mainland. The only
Chinese writer with over 10 billion books sold is Zheng Yuanjie, even
without couting numerous amount of pirate ones.

He is a famous fairy writer. During the past 20 years, a month magazine
– The King of Fairy is completely supported by a single person.

His work focus on the children’s life, the most depressing population
in the world. Besides heavy competition to get to better school or
college, these kids received tremdous pressure from parents. His work
try to express opinions for the children’s positions in fairy stories,
and even kids like the person who speaks for them even if his words
doesn’t change too much reality. This differentiate his fairy tales
from Chinese traditional fairy stories or European ones.

For example, here are some famous quotes in his fairy.
Kids take toys as friends, adults take friends as toys.
To score 100 in the exam turn a boy into 100 year old man.
The fun part of being boss is not because of people listening to what
you are right about, it is people have to listen to you even if you are
If the kids speak and behave as adults in a country,  the adults must be childish.
A dog cannot survive if he doesn’t know how to shake his tail, unless he is not a dog anymore.
Encouragement can turn a retard into a genius

His language style is close to the talk show in America. Stories are
told in relaxed context with a lot of witty quotas combining the
contemporary news. The content are very close to real life, we can see
that from the title. Red Sofa Music City which talks about Lu Xixi
found the sofa in her home actually has a music city within it. The two
main characters in his work are Pi Pilu and Lu Xixi. Pi Pilu is male,
Lu Xixi is female. Comparing with the fairy tales about palace life
hundreds years ago, stories with family and school as background are
more applealing to the dedicated kids.

Although his work is nonargurable entertaining, he is not explicitly
positive about hard working, advancement of science and engineering.
Those factors are critically important for the future of a better
modern society. He is also cynical about school education, he quoted
many times in his works and interviews that he only has 4 year primary
school formal education. Although there are many cases that people can
be successful without strict school education, but to improve people’s
quality in such a big country, improving public school education is one
very important way. But he is up about morals such as honesty.

In the later 90’s, he is criticized for mentioning too much sexual
appeals in the fairy tale. He argued that he wants to incorporate more
sex education material into his fairy in order to achieve better
education effects, but later he did recess from this behavior. Right
now, he is maintaining his blog at sina, within 1 month, it
achieves  1 million hits.
Here is the link, everything is in Chinese.


check what you are good at, use it at your own risk
January 18, 2006, 10:23 am
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星座之最排行榜1 (超長!沒耐性勿看!)

用情最為專一者:  巨蟹座男生、魔羯座女生
用情最為善變者:  雙子座男生、水瓶座女生
最有女人味的人:  雙魚座男生、雙魚座女生
最有男子氣概的人: 魔羯座男生、牡羊座女生
做事最慢條斯理者: 金牛座男生、雙魚座女生
最有理財概念的人: 天秤座男生、巨蟹座女生
最有多才多藝的人: 雙子座男生、雙魚座女生
最缺乏才藝性的人: 魔羯座男生、金牛座女生
最有家庭概念的人: 巨蟹座男生、巨蟹座女生
心機最重的人:   處女座男生、天蠍座女生
最沒心機的人:   射手座男生、雙魚座女生
最會記愁的人:   天蠍座男生、處女座女生
最不記愁的人:   獅子座男生、雙魚座女生
做事最有計劃的人: 天蠍座男生、水瓶座女生
做事最沒計劃的人: 雙魚座男生、雙魚座女生
最大方的人:    獅子座男生、獅子座女生
最小氣的人:    金牛座男生、處女座女生
最愛乾淨的人:   天秤座男生、處女座女生
最不愛乾淨的人:  獅子座男生、射手座女生
最熱愛自由的人:  牡羊座男生、射手座女生
最愛說大話的人:  獅子座男生、牡羊座女生
最謙遜有禮的人:  巨蟹座男生、天秤座女生
最情緒化的人:   巨蟹座男生、牡羊座女生
情緒最穩定的人:  水瓶座男生、天秤座女生
最有領導欲望的人: 獅子座男生、射手座女生
最善解人意的人:  巨蟹座男生、雙魚座女生
最木頭的人:    處女座男生、魔羯座女生
最心細的人:    天蠍座男生、巨蟹座女生
最粗心的人:    牡羊座男生、牡羊座女生
最會做夢的人:   巨蟹座男生、雙魚座女生
最實際的人:    金牛座男生、天秤座女生
最會寫情書的人:  雙魚座男生、巨蟹座女生
最不會寫情書的人: 牡羊座男生、金牛座女生
最受異性歡迎的人: 雙子座男生、雙魚座女生
最好色者:     金牛座男生、天蠍座女生
最不好色者:    水瓶座男生、魔羯座女生
最會調情的人:   天蠍座男生、雙魚座女生
最不會調情的人:  天秤座男生、魔羯座女生
最愛好和平的人:  金牛座男生、巨蟹座女生
最愛引起爭端的人: 獅子座男生、牡羊座女生
最愛好自然的人:  雙子座男生、天蠍座女生
最欣賞人工的人:  射手座男生、射手座女生
最愛另類怪異者:  天秤座男生、水瓶座女生
最鐵齒的人:    水瓶座男生、雙子座女生

The work out opitions for the days without sunshine
January 17, 2006, 10:06 am
Filed under: Uncategorized
Today, it rains again. After 1 day break following 27 days raining, the
weather bounces back. On average, Seattle has 140 raining days each
year. If we want to exercise 20-30 minutes every day, it is not
realistic to count on the weather.

Here are a few options that also work in raining days.
The primary option is the IMA of UW. IMA of UW has almost all the
sports opitions avaiable until 10:30 pm on work days, 6:30 pm on
weekends. We can do swimming, badminton, squash, roller skating(Friday
night), archery( Friday night), basket ball, valley ball, etc. It is
also equipped with a Tully’s coffee shop serving simple food and drinks.

The cons of IMA is that parking/traffick for IMA is not convenient.
IMA has a parking lot with a fee, which graduate
students want to avoid at their best efforts. It will be best to plan ahead for
transportation if we want to play in IMA before 9:00 pm, but playing
sports late  is not good for early sleep. The best time to go
IMA is the break during the daily work time if I work on campus that day.

The other option is to exercise within the apartment. Our apartment has
a small exercise room with treadmill, bicycle, and weight lifting
facilities. The cons of the in apartment exercise is the limitation of
the options.

The last option will be to play Table tennis/Bowling/Pool inside the
HUB. This option has the same transportation problem as the IMA.

Overall, it really depends on the location, if I work at home, the most
convenient option would be exercise in the exercise room. If I work at
the South Lake Union, the best option would be IMA after 9:00 pm. If I
work at on campus, the best option would be HUB/IMA.

It will be good to exercise more…

Pop music of China has narrower topic than music in America
January 16, 2006, 6:46 am
Filed under: Uncategorized
The main stream of both American and Chinese pop music is the
emotion between the counter sex. Nevertherless, Amercian music still
has broader topics, for example, there are music about religion,
politics, etc. It is hard to image a barber’s shop in Nanjing singing
about Buddaha or Fxlxn Gxng in Chinese. It is equally hard to image a
modern Chinese song about Communism, three representatives, either
support or reject. Why this is the case? Is it because Chinese do not
have the genes to express opinions besides sexuality in music?
I do not agree with that. If we check the literature history of
China, many thousand year old peom were talking about politics. Looking
closer, during the world war II, communism party composed many songs
about the nationality, the revolution. When we lost the throats to
express ourselves broadly?

The winter of Seattle
January 12, 2006, 3:00 am
Filed under: Uncategorized
Seattle is a famous for rain during the winter season. Today is the
24th continus raining day here. Although the weather is not perfect
here, comparing with the weather with the east coast or Nanjing, I
still like Seattle best.  Although it rains a lot in Seattle, it
is not fair to say that Seattle is a city without sunshine, other
cities have even worse winters.

The first is the temperature, comparing with the east coasts of both
America and Asia continent, pacific northwest has much higher
temperature in the winter season. It is rarely to be freezing. Of the
same latitude in east coast (of either America or Asia), this time,
there are already several feet snows. 

The second is the sports, I find that the number of sports choices is
highly correlated with my happiness. During the winter season, there is
almost no outdoor sports besides the winter run, it is not too much fun
to run in the cold air. I suspect it may be harmful for bones and could
easily cause sports injury. But here, there are many snow sports to
choose. Although snow sports are a little bit pricy for graduate
students to enjoy, at least we have that option.

Although it rains a lot in Seattle, this water is irrigating the trees
in the pacific northwest. These trees eventually represent the
landscape characteristics of washingtons state, the evergreen state.