Gong Cheng's Blog

February 28, 2006, 1:52 am
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30磅的weight lift, 80下

HRM 好贵
February 28, 2006, 1:11 am
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昨天在网上看到锻炼身体必备的一样东西叫 Heart Rate Monitor用来监测运动过程中心跳的变化,这样可以防止运动量过大或者过小。避免运动损伤。
今天去North Gate的G.I Jones看了看,稍微象样一点的也要100美金,犹豫了半天最后还是没有买。我打算定个目标,比如说当我能游2个mile的时候,就奖励自己一下去买一个。

February 26, 2006, 11:53 pm
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从家跑到Mattews Beach,再走回来,全程大约4000米。路上遇见一父子俩骑车结伴前行,孩子大概4到5岁,父亲大概四十岁上下,很是甜蜜。

February 26, 2006, 7:28 pm
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记得从初中时候起我就为这个问题发愁,我们班的数学老师坚信睡觉不是人体必需的,只要有毅力,完全可以不睡觉。给我们布置几乎是其他班级两倍的作业,我常常为了完成她的作业而无法拥有足够的睡眠,而且还常常无法完成其他科目的作业,早上起床以后冲到学校去抄别人的作业是家常便饭。我记得那时候常常是十一点上床,十二点入睡,早上七点起床,七点半到学校。每天睡七个小时。白天整个就像在梦游, 这种生活后来一直延续到高中毕业。

My favourate TV programms
February 26, 2006, 6:35 am
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One thing to do is to watch TV from cabel. I list some of my favouriate channels/Programs.
1. Court TV (channel 49)
TV program often give us elusions of true life. People have never dressed, talked, acted in the way Lord of Ring, even Forrest Gump. I like Court TV is because the programs of this channel is most real, least distorted by the media. Stories are mostly true, different opinions of the prosecute and defensive attorney are presented and discussed, hard core evidences are required to make arguments. I simply like the logic in the investigation process.
My favouriate program including Trace of Evidence (by Henry Lee), Body of Evidence, etc.
2. History (channel 37)
This channel provide me a chance to understand Western history in an intuitive way. My highschool education of the history is actually very brief with a lot of focusing on memorizing dates of the important events. True history has a logic, everything has a reason. The directors of this program did a good job of presenting history in a logic and different view.
Some of my favouriate program including Modern Marvels ( for example, how air plane is invented, how modern steel industry is set up). Leaders of WII ( talking of Churchill, Hitler and Stalling, etc), The Associates of Hitler( including the guy invented VW Beetle which I am driving, the guy invented the rocket and started Appolo program later after surrendering to Allies)
3. Sports (channel 30,31,32)
These channels almost always have some sports showing 24 hours. I like watching Soccer, Football and Basket Ball(occationally).
4. The David Letterman Talkshow ( Channel 7)
I like his talk show because his a very humorous guy joking around many thing. His guests are often celebrity rather than anonymous. But his program is a kind of late for me, also, if I were working on my program, I may not want to do that. I often miss his show.
His famous interview including Madonna,Courtney Love,  Bill O’Reilly, Nicoll Kiddman, Britney Spears, Tom Hanks, etc.
5. University of Washington (Channel 27)
This channel often have some seminare video tape of UW, which I enjoy. One program I like is the Mini-Med School which often have surgery video tape.
Other channel I watched occasionally including CNN, Fox News, Cartoon Network, Animal Planet, TNT,TBS, CSPN, International Channel, etc…

Eat well…
February 24, 2006, 10:22 pm
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You are what you eat. Eating well is important for health, mood, and hence better work. It will take some efforts for us to eat well in US.

Last time, I talked about where to purchase food, here I  am going to talk about what food I do not eat in America.

The first kind of food I do not eat are those cheap meat. American meat industry can produce large amount of meat using hormone and addictives. These meat are bad not only because of the high ratio of fat, but also the hormones are not easily degradatable. These hormone could cause obesity,  increase the risk of heart diease, diabetes. So, unless I have no other choices, I usually avoid meat without a organic tag on it.

The second kind of food I avoid in US market are those food with large amount of additives. For example, if you buy a bottle of juice in China, open it and put it on the table, 2 days later, it will be rotten. If you do the same thing in American, the juice will be intact. The same phenomena you can observe for yogurt. Many chemicals are put in the food to prevent bacterias. The long term consequence of these chemicals are not studied enough to reveal all the potential toxic possibilities. You are not going to die tomorrow because eating a yogurt, but it may kill you 10 neurons for mathematics. 

These two categories of food will eliminate 70% goods on the supermarket shelfs. The food I usually buy including:
1. orange
2. apple
3. organic fat free milk
4. organic chicken
5. pork rib
6. live fish

The happy hour in the bar
February 24, 2006, 5:08 am
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Although most of the decent restaurants in Seattle are prohibitive expensive for graduate students, the happy hour in the bar is a good deal for us. For example, a appetitizer usually cost around 8-10 dollars, during happy hour, it is may be just 4$. For example 3$ chicken quesadila of Jilian, 4$ steak pizza in Axis, 4$ cheese burger with fries in Mccommick and Schimiz. Cooking by yourself may be more expensive.

Chelsea vs Barcelona, black dragon play with black dragon…
February 22, 2006, 10:48 pm
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Both team are the top 1 of their national league. But both team give out the other team a black dragon goal. So, everybody makes mistakes, work hard but don’t worry…

Real Madrid versus Arsensal
February 21, 2006, 10:18 pm
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Today, I watched a soccer game between Read Madrid and Arsenal(actually only half of it), I think it is one the game of the Champions League 2006. I feel very impressed by the all star team recruited by Real Madrid. Just to name a few on the front line, Ronaldo, Zedane, Roberto Carlos, Laurl, David Beckham. It is hard to believe such a team could lose any game, although eventually Arsenal did win this one. Henry of Arsenal broke the defense line of Real Madrid using his speed a couple of times, one of them leads to a goal. Ronaldo looks tired and much slower than he used to be, just like Roberto Baggio 10 years ago, it is time for him to think about a transistion.

Biking around the home today…
February 21, 2006, 12:11 am
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I am planning to climb some big mountains during the summer, so starting right now, I need to exercise 10-30 minutes minimal everyday to keep the metabolism ability. Today I biked north from home for about half an hour. I started from home along the Burke-Gilman trail towards north. Shortly after setting out, I found it is actually pretty cold outside. It is not a good day for biking, very few people there. I fetch my ski glove and hat from home to continue the adventure. The weather is fine, no sunshine, but it is clear enough to see Kirkland across the Lake Washington from the trail. Passing the Mattew Beach, at the 97th Street, I made a left hand turn according the King County Biking map, after that, I made a right hand turn and continue north. At 103 th St, I find I already spend 15 minutes there, so I turned back to Burke-Gilman Trail and come back home.