Gong Cheng's Blog

Eat and cook American food in a Chinese way (4)
February 28, 2008, 8:06 pm
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4. Halal beef wonton soup.
Wonton soup is a traditional Chinese snack in east China. The typical meat in the wonton is pork. In the ancient time, Arabian and Persian business men traveled along the silk road and brought Muslim food tradition into China. They call it Halal. Similar to kosher, people adopt Halal do not eat pork. When they arrived China, they replaced pork with beef to make wonton soup. In addition, they put tomato into the wonton to fit their tastes better. You may be able to find wonton soup in many Chinese restaurant in USA, but rarely you can find Halal beef wonton soup. Fortunately, it isn’t that hard to find the materials in the US supermarket. Ground beef can be purchased at any grocery store. Sliced tomato are sold in the Hispanic food section. Dumping wrap are sold in  Asian food section. Combing them altogether, we can make Halal beef wonton soup at home.

February 26, 2008, 10:04 pm
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bamboo garden, a great vegetarian Chinese restaurant at Seattle downtown
February 19, 2008, 6:49 am
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Although Chinese food has eight pedigrees, each has different philosophy backing it up, most of the Chinese food we can obtain in US restaurant are rich in fat with ubiquitous taste tailored for Americans. Specifically, due to religious reasons, buddists are not allowed to eat meat in China, over the time, they have evolved their own vegetarian cooking philosophy and style with great tastes and look. Ordinary Chinese can benefit from their cooking by go to the restaurant opened by monks. Typically, in buddists’ vegetarian food, meat are replaced with dried and/or fried tofu. With careful prepared seasonings, tofu could taste almost the same as any meat. Unfortunately, I have never seen any vegetarian restaurant in Seattle that is capable of reaching that level of art of cooking until yesterday. I bumped into bamboo garden around Key Arena. Bamboo garden has an impressively long menu of vegetarian food, loaded with mushroom  and  tofu as meat replacements. They have tofu mimicked chicken, duck, smoked Salmon, sausage, mushroom mimicked eel, and even vegetarian wonton soup. There are 120 items on their menu including drinks. The prices are reasonable considering the fact that they also provide free parking at such a great location. I tried one item on the menu, the taste is decent and served fast. I strongly recommend bamboo garden as a great choice for vegetarian Chinese food in Seattle.

February 17, 2008, 8:37 pm
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free music webiste
February 17, 2008, 2:37 am
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Here, you go. I am not talking about the the unlicensed online music sharing . http://www.garageband.com/ is a fantastic music website with many cool songs submitted by musicians themselves. The quality of the songs are judged by the listeners. These songs are original, creative and pleasant to listen. I strongly recommend you to listen to it.

February 17, 2008, 12:52 am
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February 14, 2008, 8:01 pm
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three useful words for watching crime related TV shows
February 13, 2008, 5:34 pm
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perpetrate, v, perform an act, usually with a negative connotation.
perpetrator, n,  the one who perpetrate,
culprit, n, perpetrator

February 10, 2008, 2:59 am
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在网上的部落格里读到,一个人最多能够同时注意七件事情。当你注意的这七件事情都是快乐的时候,你就会是一个快乐的人。如果,在你脑子里萦绕的这七件事情都是负面的时候,你就开心不起来。 类似的,如果对于你认识的一个人,你一想到他,头七件和他相关的事情都是正面的时候,你对他的看法也会是正面的,反之,如果你对他相关的七件事情都是负面的时候,你就会不喜欢他。抛开电影戏剧,真实的世界上大部分的人都是差不多的光着身子来的普通人,有着很相似的本能和习性,大家对某人的看法,就是由这头七件事情决定的。

3 potential disruptive technology to remove fossil energy dependency.
February 9, 2008, 7:30 am
Filed under: Uncategorized
The modern economy depends largely on cheap fossil energy. Many large business in US rely on mass merchandise transfer using large trucks. The rise of the energy price causes the price of almost every product to increase, I guess this maybe one of the major cause of the US economy recession. If the oil price is high enough, even online shopping could be curbed due to the higher shipping cost. On a Friday night, while changing channels before my TV, I start to think about what technologies could completely change the picture?

1. Cheap, light weight, re-chargeable  battery.
In some sense, we are not short of energy, there are wind energy, water energy, nuclear energy whose price doesn’t change upon international politics. But those  energy cannot be easily used  for vehicles. The major obstacle before this is the battery. If every night, we can take a 10 ounce batter out of the car and charge it in the kitchen, nobody would bother to go to the gas station. How to maximize the amount of energy that stored in the battery. I would bet to use nano-fabrication technology to improve the efficiency of the lithium polymer technology may eventually lead toward that.

2. High efficiency catalyst to transform bio mass into fuel.
We are not short of organic chemicals in polysaccharide form, but polysaccharides can not be used as fuel. As a result, if we can transform the polysaccharide into mono saccharides, and subsequently be transformed into ethanol. We will find good replacements for fossil fuel. This technology will require large amount efforts to be put into catalyst research.

3. Automatic merchandise transporting system
Unlike the previous two high tech options, the third technique doesn’t require any fancy chemistry. Merchandise do not have be transported within the car, they can simply be put into  standard  sized box  similar to microwave, and be transported from  seller to  buyer using a light mono-rail network. This network can be used to transport fresh food from supermarket, pizza, dinner from restaurant,and even gifts from friends from far away.  Let’s calculate how much stuff each family buy and how much money they would like to pay for the convenience, it is interesting. For example, a 4 people family which consume 60$ food /day, one year, each family would consume 20000$ and they are willing to pay 2% as the convenience fee. That would be 400$/year. How much does it cost to build the system? If you assume it will take 4 worker’s half day to build the network for each family, it would be totally 16 working hour. If hourly rate is 90$, the cost would be 90$x16=1440$, if the material cost about 2000$/family including the rail, cart and router, the cost for each family would be 3400$. How much does it cost to run the system? I think the running cost mostly comes from the maintaince  cost which would be around 1 hour/year on average. It would be 100$/year. It appears this project will take about 10 years to be profitable largely due to the huge initial investment.
If  20 million family of US can be reached by this network, the revenue would be about 8 billion/year, profit would be around 6 billion/year.  The initial investment  for 10,000 family would be 40 million, can you fund me?