Gong Cheng's Blog

Prime – love between an old women and a young boy
May 30, 2006, 5:27 am
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Today I watched a film titled Prime directed by Ben Younger.
This is a romantic comedy. A 37 year women Rafi falls in love with a 23 year old boy David Bloomberg. Although they crash on each other heavily, this age gap make them uncapable of keeping the relationship. In between, Rafi was continuously seeing a psychotherapist who accidentally be David’s mother. There are some funny scences because of the miscommunication. David’s family is Jewish. His mother have strong opinions about having his son a jewish wife. The culture and age difference create difficulty of this relationship. At the end, although they still love each other, they separated.
This is a good movie with many entertaining details, definitely worthy of time to watch. Besides the movie itself, several personnels in the movie are interesting. The first is Uma Thurman who present Rafi in the film. Uma’s most famous screen role was the killer’s character in Kill Bill. It is interesting to see that she could actually play such a sensual character. Besides her own career. Her family is also interesting. Her father Robert is a famous professor with special strong compassion of the religion of a certain part of China.
The other personnel is the director Ben Yonger whose undergrad major was politics and he had even worked as campaign manager at NY. It would be interesting to know how could he make such a radical change in his career.

May 29, 2006, 8:20 am
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现在想来,当时真的是很幼稚的,当时我们觉得看完动画片之后再听一小段说教就可以除掉看动画片的Guilty. 也许就是人的这种本能的负罪感起源了基督教吧。

May 29, 2006, 6:02 am
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只弄懂了8成,好在是group project所以不懂有人可以问。Team working是多么美好的一件事情。著文以记之。 科学和工程的区别就在这里,工程上的目标很明确,想明白问题是什么以后,只要脑子灵活就可以一把搞定。而科学上,往往要提出一个假设,然后证明这个假设成立,但是常常这个提出的假设就是不对的,虽然花了很多时间精力,全部白白浪费了. 当然,也有人拿到负面的结果之后,转念一想,反推出一个更加fancy的假设,再堆砌一点数据,折腾出另外一篇paper,这样的人在科学界也是高手,至少resume上有一堆paper,别人会认为他很productive。其实,这类人对于科学的贡献非常有限。

A raining day
May 28, 2006, 5:39 am
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It is interesting the weather is still so rainy. I am a kind of worried about tomorrow’s plan for the folklife festival.
Tonight, I went to IMA for jogging, when I come back from IMA to HSB, it was raining really hard. I was wondering why the world is this way.

Da Vinci Code, solving the mystery of Christianity
May 27, 2006, 6:01 am
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Today, we went to watch the Movie Da Vinci Code which is a great one.
The story started as a mystery murder. The curator of Louve is murdered in the Palace. Before dead, he struggled to leave some message to the people of his clan. In fact, they are a group of people trying to hide a secret for thousands of years. The secret is that Jesus actually has a wife, and even a daughter. Sophie who at that time believe was the curator’s grand daughter together with Robert Langdon( Tom Hanks) eventually solved this mystery, more they found Sophie is actually the only one in the world who carries Jesus’ blood…
It sounds easy, in the movie,  to know this piece of information, they were put at life threatening situation multiple times… …
Overall, this movie is very good in terms of production, plot.

May 25, 2006, 6:52 am
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May 23, 2006, 9:12 pm
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上周末,是第一次练习全程的Triathlon。整个课程是先游泳10分钟,再骑车从IMA到Metropolitan Market再骑车回IMA,再从那里跑步到湖边的Hotrifugle Building(可能拼写的不对),再跑回来。 不知道为什么,原来这个班上的其他三个男生都没有来,所以偶轻松的拿了男子组第一名。
随后,MJ 和 ZL同学喊我们去看University Ave的Street Fair,看到了很多美国劳动人民的工艺品。在品尝了他们的精湛的厨艺后,我们出去散步,出了门,我们明智的选择了右转。因为后来发现,如果我们那天左转,可能就能碰见一只饥渴的野生雄。 这篇报道的标题就会变成中国留学生智斗大黑熊。

Exercise of today
May 23, 2006, 8:32 am
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I ran to the Magnuson Park via the main gate. Pass the unleashed dog areas. I saw many dogs there. Running/walking back home, the whole run is about 1 hour.
This is the most beautiful time of Magnuson Park, there are sunshine, water, wild animals such as duck, it is amazing how much good things are free ……

People watching…
May 19, 2006, 2:48 am
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无聊的美国人有一种作乐的方法叫做People watching…就是看人,其实就是和中国人赶庙会看人是一个原理。今天下午,我就去家旁边的马修beach 去people watching…

The intervew of the child movie star
May 18, 2006, 5:43 am
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I think I am busy with the figure 2 of my paper… …It looks like taking forever to make… …
Today, I also swimmed about 1000 M free style swim, I think my free style swimming is becoming better and better. When I stand on top of the swimming pool, I automatically start to distinguish who is a free-style pro who is newbie.
 In the meanwhile, I also watched a TV interview of the child movie stars. The common thing of them is that they all become famous when they when little. They got money, attention, everything when they were little, but not all of them live a happy life afterwards. Many of them later struggled with drug, addiction and emotional problems. Among all the people present in the show, two of them are especially impressive. One is Danica McKellar, I have actually never ever watched her movie. She caught my attention because she got a Math undergraduate degree from UCLA. I would not be surprised if she got a music or arts, even English degree, but she is actually a math geek. More, she even got a second author on peer review Journal. It is amazing that she could do so much different thing in so little time.  
The second star that caught my attention is Tracy who appeared as Carol Seavors in the TV show growing pains. I know her because I like the show that was translated into Chinese when I was little. She actually had eating disorder because filming her weight losing story before the camera. She is suffering from drug addiction right now. It is sad to see that.