Gong Cheng's Blog

December 14, 2007, 7:31 am
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“爸,你这是怎么说呢?“ 儿子着急了。

“我和你妈再也看不惯对方唠." 爸爸说. "我烦不了了,  不管了, 你等会给你芝加哥的姐姐打个电话奥." 说完, 就把电话挂了.

儿子慌了,给他姐姐打电话. 姐姐当场大怒说," 靠,这还了得, 看我回去把这件事摆平." 姐姐马上给爸爸打电话,"爸,你什么都不许动,什么都不许干,明天我就飞过来,在这之前,那边都别去,阿晓得拉!啊晓得拉!" 说完就挂了电话. 




















December 13, 2007, 9:20 pm
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December 13, 2007, 7:57 am
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小张咚咚咚跑下楼,一看,来了两辆车,三个人。 一个中年男人,坐在一辆小卡车里,一个年轻女子,大概大学生的样子站在车窗外,一个和她年纪相仿的男子和她并排站在一起。小张上前自我介绍,中间的女学生自我介绍是林夕,旁边开车的男人是她爸,另外的那个男人似乎有些尴尬,自我介绍是特别附属。
靠,就一辆破车,需要三个人吗?小张心理嘀咕。小张再仔细一看,这个做爸爸的还是有备而来,小卡车后面装了个大工具箱,里面的榔头,斧子都翘出来半截。 小张汲取了前两次看车的经验,闲话少说,简单介绍了阿黄车况好,轮胎新,牌子硬,自己马上回国必须卖车等等有利因素,随后呈上钥匙,微笑着欢迎试车。

A “NEW” web browser – flock
December 12, 2007, 11:48 pm
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In search of the replacement of the leaking firefox, I bumped into flock. Originally, I was planning to downgrade to firefox 1.0 but that version of firefox is hard to find on Internet. Then I found out flock (http://www.flock.com). Flock claims to be a social network web browser with integrated functionalities to help user to take the full usage of WEB 2.0 features of many popular social network websites, including facebook, flickr, etc. It indeed has those functions built in but I couldn’t care less about them. The reason I like and recommend flock to you is simple that it doesn’t leak memory. It works just like firefox 1.0, small, fast and tightly organized. Those social networking feature add-ons usually don’t bother you as long as you don’t touch them. I highly recommend flock as the replacement of firefox  until they fixed the holes in firefox.

The memory leaking problem of firefox
December 12, 2007, 7:19 am
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For a couple of years, firefox had been my favorite web browser for 3 simple reasons. First of all, it is fast, when you start it, it doesn’t take a lot of time. Second, it is fast, when you open a page, it shows the page right way, doesn’t open pop up windows you do not desire. Third, it is fast, especially with the tab, you can switch between the pages quickly. However, the newly emerged memory leaking problem of firefox starts to bite me on a daily basis. For example, today, I was in an occasion that I cannot close the web browser because I was filling up an important form which is very long. The machine was slow, it needs half a second to response to the key stroke, I checked the memory usage, firefox was using 470 MB memory. The machine is just busy with the swap. This severe memory leaking problem is going to erode all the edges firefox have over IE. More interestingly, firefox doesn’t have this problem before version 1.5 or so, I am wondering what happened?

December 12, 2007, 4:50 am
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Paycheck is an interesting movie, which I only watched the latter half of it today on TBS channel. This movie was directed by the famous Chinese director John Wu. He had directed many well known action movies. This movie is actually a mixture of Sci-Fi, Thriller and Action. I guess the true story starts as a Scientist built a machine to predict the future. As the first user of it, he used it to forsee the future of the human society is going to be destroyed by nuclear bomb. However, he got his memory erased. When he wake up, he only has an envelop of random items. Using these stuff, he tried to survive from people who were chasing him and recover his lost memory. Not surprisingly , he destroyed the machine and the evil guys before the end of the movie. Eventually, he lived happily thereafter with his women using the money from a 90 million jackpot. The number was predicted using his machine before he lost his memory.

The memory loss / reconstruction story is similar to another movie Bourne Identity made at similar time. I like the action and thriller element of the movie, however I cannot appreciate the Sci-Fi part of it. Almost all of the Sci-Fi movie for the future are negative about scientific advancement. They think nuclear bomb is going to destroyed the earth, stem cell research is going to lead to ill ethics problem. Actually, most of the changes brought by scientific research are positive for human society, nuclear energy may eventually solve the global energy crisis, stem cell research may eventually be able to cure many diseases. These positive aspects of science rarely are reflected in these Sci-Fi novels.

December 9, 2007, 6:59 am
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gigapan,an amazing photo viewer
December 5, 2007, 5:05 am
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Gigapan hosts an amazing photo sharing service. The technology originates from NASA’s Mars exploration efforts. They developed this photography technique to provide detailed photo browsing experience for the broader range of audience. When the mission is completed, they extended this effort to enable average users to upload photos and share the panorama views of the scenes with people around the world. I think this technology is revolutionary because it replicates the depth changing experience of viewing actual objects. This is the future of digital camera, I am excited about it. Again, the viewer is developed using AJAX technique.

December 3, 2007, 11:17 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized
昨日,去篮球场轻微活动,投篮。发现脚部扭伤基本不妨碍运动,不日可以复出了。很多事情只有失去了之后才知道珍惜,比如说扭伤让我失去了体育运动的自由。 下面列举一下我没有的疾病,共勉。

1. 癌症
2. 肺结核
3. 肝炎
4. 肾炎
5. 关节炎
6. 早老性痴呆
7. 任何残疾
